VLCC committed to spreading awareness on World Heart Day

                   Conducts knowledge session with eminent Cardiologist Dr. Mahesh Shah
Mumbai, 29 September 2015 : Joining the cause of World Heart Federation in spreading awareness about cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and strokes, VLCC today organized a knowledge sharing session on the occasion of World Heart Day. Following the theme for 2015: Heart Choices Not Hard Choices, it collaborated with eminent cardiologist, Dr Mahesh Shah, MD, DM (Cardio), Interventional Cardiologist at Hinduja (Khar), Breach Candy and Nanavati Hospitals. The idea was to raise awareness about leading a healthy lifestyle and incorporating small changes in one’s daily routine which can make a big difference in a person’s overall wellbeing.
Dr Shah, who has more than 20 years of experience and is a renowned cardiologist in the city, addressed the people of Mumbai about the various side effects of leading an unhealthy life. People living in packed spaces with very less exposure to natural surroundings and greens are also at risk of CVDs as much as people who are exposed to excessive alcohol and tobacco use.
Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Shah said, “Heart diseases and stroke are the world’s leading causes of death with millions of people around the globe getting affected by it.  A majority of cases are lifestyle related and can be controlled with modification.”  As a society we need to address these issues collectively. I appreciate VLCC’s initiative in showing care and concern to such health matters. We count on events like these to increase awareness of how we can combat premature mortality caused by cardiovascular and heart disease. Another step further is to ask your healthcare expert to measure blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, weight and body mass index regularly to maintain a healthy heart.’
Mrs Vandana Luthra, Founder, VLCC Group, said, “Obesity especially abdominal obesity significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and most of it is lifestyle-related. According to the WHO, over 63 per cent of all deaths worldwide are due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and correspond to an emerging global health threat, apart from a staggering socio-economic burden – it is estimated that over the next 15-20 years, NCDs will cost more than US$ 30 trillion. VLCC has helped thousands of people manage their weight and obesity issues especially abdominal obesity to help them prevent future chronic diseases, especially coronary artery diseases in the 25 years of its existence, not only in India but across several countries.”
She added, “Overweight persons run a higher risk of health problems and disability, and those risks rise sharply when overweight becomes obese. Simple changes to one’s lifestyle can mitigate this risk. On World Heart Day, let us pledge to lead a healthy life, a life full of wellness for ourselves, and for our loved ones.”
World Heart Day encourages us all to lead a healthier life, reduce our cardiovascular risk and promote a heart-healthy environment. An increasing number of people are getting affected because of factors like an unhealthy lifestyle, busy schedules and perhaps, lack of awareness. The views by Dr Shah are not only relevant in the present times but also show us the right direction towards a better life. At VLCC we aim to emphasize disease-free holistic wellness and this is a small step towards that thought.
World Heart Day takes place on 29 September and is a chance for people across the globe to take part in the world's biggest intervention against CVD.  Each year, CVDs are responsible for 17.3 million premature deaths and by 2030 this is expected to rise to 23 million.


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