Cracker Less Diwali this year, says Survey

SoGoSurvey, a leading provider of online survey software and recognized expert in survey methodology, conducted a survey across Indian metros to gauge how people planned to celebrate a more environment friendly Diwali this year.

Though this survey went out to people in the age group from 16 to 65, the topic of an eco-friendly Diwali seems dear to youth, with70% of our respondents under 30.

In order to celebrate eco-friendly Diwali this year, these are the top 5 things which people would prefer to make it environmental friendly,

  1. 66% say no to Firecrackers
  2. 53% say they would eat home-made sweets
  3. 49% would use eco-friendly colours to make Rangoli
  4. 44% would use earthen diyas
  5. 41% people would be using paper kandils 
Moreover, 35% of our respondents said they would donate items to the needy instead of disposing them


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