Ascent Meditech signs Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan as brand ambassador for flagship brand Flamingo

Ascent Meditech achieves Sector first - First-time ever that a Bollywood actor roped in to endorse medical devices & aids brand
Unveils campaign highlighting ‘An Aid for a New Life’ for all Indians

Mumbai, 25 January 2019: Ascent Meditech Limited, a leading player in Orthopedic Soft Goods, mobility, wound-care and healthcare products, has appointed Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador for their flagship brand ‘Flamingo’. Adhering to international certification standards for medical products, the Flamingo range of 300+ products, are accepted by consumers in 47 countries globally, synonymous with quality that can be trusted. The epitome of super-human fitness and dancer par excellence, Hrithik Roshan unveiled the teaser of a new consumer awareness campaign titled ‘An Aid for a New Life’ marking his brand endorsement of Flamingo Orthopedic soft goods, mobility, wound-care and healthcare products.

Mr. Rajiv Mistry, Founder MD, Ascent Meditech Ltd., said, “Ascent Meditech has many firsts to its credit across our decades old journey and the appointment of Hrithik Roshan is a pioneering initiative in our sector. In today’s age of ever-growing aspirations, achievers feel that mobility is the key to a successful life. Everyone is looking for recuperative ways and means to do away with body niggles, sprain and pain.” He added, “We are proud that Hrithik Roshan has been an avid user of our products and now reposes his complete trust and faith in Flamingo products nurtured over decades of research & development. Our continuous focus on quality products is aimed at providing ‘an aid for a new life’ to our present and future consumers. Flamingo products are suitable across all age groups from children to senior citizens.” Several celebrities and prominent personalities also use Flamingo.

The supremely fit and fantastic Hrithik Roshan, the first-ever celebrity endorser in the medical devices sector, says, “Life is all about one journey to the other; one goal or milestone after the other as we chase our dreams. We persevere with our passion, determination, stubbornness, hard work and self-belief. My new slice-of-life TVC is an ode to those achievers who battle physical and psychological discomfort to keep going. For 27 years, Flamingo has been offering people the right kind of relief and support to help them realize their dreams and desires.”  
While Flamingo products under the Orthopaedic and Healthcare segments cater to the various musculoskeletal and lifestyle-related disorders respectively, the focus of products under the Mobility and Wound segments is directed towards mobility impairment and wound care.

One of the most popular and therapy products that consumers across the world are trusting is Flamingo Orthopedic Heat Belt, the flagship product of Ascent Meditech Ltd. - a result of years of research & development, innovation and adaptability.The Company also offers wide range of products. Orthopedic Soft Goods (OSG) for upper extremity, lower extremity & spine. Mobility Aids/Assistive devices to improve mobility of people whole range of bandages for home & hospital use. Health care products based on cold therapy & hot therapy.Healthcare products include: Flamingo Hot n Cold Eyes Mask, Flamingo Cool Eyes, Flamingo Cool Pack and Fahrenheat Sauna Belt, Flamingo Orthopaedic Heat Belt, Lumbar Sacro Belt etc.

Flamingo OSG products include Cervical Supports, Shoulder Clavicle Elbow Support, Chest Supports, Wrist Forearm Thumb Supports, Arm Supports, Abdominal Belt ,  Back Supports, Back Rest Series, Compression Supports, KneeCapAnklet, Silicon Products Series, Splints, Medical Compression Range, Traction Kits Accessories, Premium Range, Pediatric Products, Walker (Pediatric), Seat Cushions, Diabetic Anti Skid Socks, Gel Product Series, Sports Accessories, etc. Bandages include Flamiplast (Elastic Adhesive Bandage B. P.), Flaminette (Cotton Stockinette Bandage), Flami-Fix (Elasticated Tubular Bandage), Flamigrip, Flamiband, Flamicrepe, Flamitape (Z.O.T.), Flami POP, etc.

Ascent Meditech Ltd. is one of the fastest growing consumer healthcare product organization addressing the needs of orthopaedic, healthcare, wound and injury market through an extensive range of quality products. It is an ISO 9001:2015 organization, having acquired ISO 13485:2016 & ISO 22716:2007 standards for Medical Products. The Company has five manufacturing facilities, which have WHO-GMP standards and its major products are CE certified and U.S. FDA compliant.

The TVC has been conceptualised and produced by Roop Dutta Naik of Zip, Zaap, Zoom Productions.


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