Dilip Sood Films holds special screening of Award Winning Horror Psychological Thriller movie Chhe-6.

If you don’t Believe in Legends… Start believing in one.

Mumbai: Dilip Sood Films’ maiden horror psychological thriller movie Chhe-6” is a showcase about the reality of adventure of six youngsters and how a certain incident that they experience which change their lives forever.

A special screening of the Horror movie Chhe(6) which has won several awards at international film festivals was held in Suburbs. The guest list had eminent media personalities, along with Director Dilip Sood, Actors from the movie Suzzana Mukherji, Puneet Channa and bollywood actor Sonam Arora amongst others.

Chhe (6) is a Horror Psychological Thriller, that is about how an adventure goes horribly wrong and creates a massive impact on the youngsters. It centres on the protagonist 6 youngsters who travel between the time periods of 6’o clock. The lead characters are played by Suzanne Mukherji, Puneet Channa, Adeel Chaudhry, Herry Tangri, Annie Sekhon, and Debonita Sur. It is Directed & Produced by Dilip Sood.  Chhe (6) is 1 hour 44 mins horror thriller that leaves the viewer shocked and mystified.

The idea behind the story is to explore the possibility of what would happen if we could experience adventure realities in one lifetime.

Festival Information:

This film is been awarded at international level of :
Boston International Film Festival for its Best Story
Florence Film Awards - Monthly Competition (Best Screenplay-Special Mention)
Mahul Woods International Film Festival (Best Director)
Mahul Woods International Film Festival (Best Horror)
L’Age d’Or International Arthouse Film Festival (Best Horror/Thriller)
Druk International Film Festival (Best Horror)
Crown Wood International Film Festival (Best Horror/Sci Fi)

There are very few Indian film directors who have attempted to make a film on the subject of science fiction and horror and the awards and accolades the film has already garnered internationally, stands testimony to the depth and quality of story telling that Chhe (6) portrays.

Director Dilip Sood Says, “The idea of the film Chhe (6) is to reinforce the fact that there’s a world that exists beyond what a human eye can see. The dark world which is casually negated by us could as well be the truth. Generally in Indian films, Horror is shown by the camera movements in the nights, but here the fear looms at large in the broad daylight.”

Actor Suzanna Mukherji added to it by saying, “Because of our mentor Mr. Dilip Sood, all of us could get international recognition and a chance to feature in such an amazing film.” 


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