Shri Kishan Kumar Sharma, an Indian Postal Service Officer of 1990 batch joined as Chief Postmaster General Maharashtra Circle on 27.02.2023. His academic background is in Commerce, Finance and Taxation with M.Com and M.Phil from Delhi University. He initially worked as a Lecturer in Commerce at PGDAV College University of Delhi, before joining in the capacity of India Postal Service (IPoS) in 1990. 

After joining in Department of Posts, India, Shri. Sharma has functioned in various capacities viz. heading Postal Division, Mail Transmission, Foreign Airmail, Public Grievances and Vigilance in Maharashtra Postal Circle. Thereafter held various positions which include Director Postal Services, Southern Region Madurai in Tamil Nadu Postal Circle, Director Training and Establishment Division. 

Shri Sharma was the first officer who joined as Assistant Director General in UIDAI Bangalore in the year 2010 and was instrumental in setting up of the Regional Office of UIDAI in South India covering Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, UTs of Puducherry and Lakshadweep. He has also joined Government of Karnataka as Advisor in Fiscal Policy Institute, Finance Department in May-2015 for two years where he worked on capacity building of state level Civil Services under Finance Department.

Shri. Sharma rejoined the parent Ministry and served as General Manager, CEPT Mysuru (from May-2017 to September-2020) which is the backbone of IT sector of Department of Posts.  On promotion to HAG level, he worked as Chief General Manager in CEPT Bengaluru since October-2020 until his transfer as Chief Postmaster General, Bihar Circle.


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